FAQ - Frequently asked questions for eBirthdayClubs

Q: How does this work?

A: It's easy, and fun. Just pick and choose a few favorite restaurants and other businesses on the site and join their clubs. Your e-mail will go only to the business you selected, and that business will send you a birthday surprise... and sometimes other 'un-birthday' surprises through the year. Big restaurant chains like Benihanas and Outback Steak House have long done birthday clubs, our site brings this to more independent restaurants in your neighborhood for you to enjoy. And your birthday extends up to 30 days! With all the member restaurants on our program, this 'network' lets you find many new restaurants that you can discover for the first time.

Q: What will I receive from the club I choose?

A: This can vary, each business determines their own birthday surprise. In most cases the surprises are a free full entree, with the purchase an entree. Sometimes it’s a $10 certificate, or something more. Join a few clubs and watch for your surprises!

Q: What do you mean: ‘Enjoy surprises every day for up to a month...’?

A: You can join as many clubs as you want. On your birthday you receive your email(s) and most of the surprises are valid for a month after your birthday. So, if you join 30 clubs you can use a surprise every day for a month! This is a great way to discover new restaurants. It can be like your local popular Restaurant Week, but for a full month, and you make your own list of restaurants and other businesses.

Q: So, if I sign up somewhere within the month after my birthday will I still have time?

A: No, the birthday surprises go out on the morning of your birthday, so you have to be signed up the day before your birthday to receive your e-mail.

Q: If I join one club, will my e-mail be accessible to other businesses on your site?

A: No. To get on multiple clubs, you must select the clubs one by one. The owners of the businesses have no access to the other clubs e-mails. You will never receive an e-mail from a club that you did not individually join.

Q: If I join any number clubs, will my e-mail go anywhere else?

A: Absolutely not. Both eBirthdayClubs, Inc, and every individual business promises never to share your e-mail. We will keep this promise because we want you to stay with us, and refer friends.

Q: Will I receive other e-mails besides on my birthday from the businesses whose clubs I join?

A: Yes, sometimes, but never more than once a month, sometimes only a few times a year, sometimes never. eBirthdayClubs, Inc offers this to each business, but many do not do it. When they do, these my be ‘un-birthday’ surprises (you’ll like them!) or menu updates or holiday or special event information. But only from the individual club(s) you joined.

Q: I filled out a sign-up card at one of the restaurants and I never got my birthday surprise. Why?

A: First, check your spam. Different browsers have different spam filters. Or, maybe if you filled out a card shortly before your birthday we may not have received and been able to in-put your card on time. Or, it could be that the e-mail on the card we picked-up was difficult to read, we try our best but sometimes just can’t figure it out. That may be it. Just join again on your own here on the site. If it says you are in and you still can not find your surprise, e-mail us, with the club you joined and your birthday date, and we will look into it further. Maximum 50 clubs joined per email.

Q: I see there is no charge or fee to me now, but will you later be soliciting me for a sign-up fee to keep me on?

A: No, our program will always be free to people joining clubs. Our costs are covered through membership fees paid by the business.

Q: I do not see my favorite restaurants on your site, how do I get them them on it?

A: Best question! Tell your favorite business about our program, or send us an e-mail suggesting the business and we will contact them.

Updated 02/20/2020